

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A dying world!!........


We live in a prosper world. Is that all we ever wanted? Yes? No? All we care is that we live a happy and prosper life. So is there a room for our heart to let the world know that we do care about her? The world is very old, very old indeed. I’m not sure about the age, but all I know is that she exists over long period of time.

Dying world
Like all things created, it has an expiry date. That I can’t confirm but it will eventually come. Until that day comes, we can only hope that we can have a good, good life here. However, now we can see that all our destruction, chaos, and never ending battle to something. Are we supposed to live like this? We human being was created to live and only live on this Planet that we called Earth. We’re unable to find other place alike. No matter how advance our technologies, we just unable to move away from Earth. We have created so much on this Earth, so much that we have forgotten what we have to the Earth it-self. We may think that all the destruction, deforestation and other things that contribute to the changes on the Earth, the Earth can heal itself? Some say it might be true, but with process which took millions years. For those who understand the Earth, they take many initiatives to look after the Earth. 3R, recycle, reuse and reduce.

3R save the world
This is an example of initiative to maintain the Earth resources. We say we care by taking part in program of greener Earth. That is good. But can we tackle bigger issue which is fossil fuel. Fossil fuel powered our economies. Without it we may live without power or food. We are depending on this mineral so that we can live tomorrow. But is it possible to stop using fossil fuel? As we all know, the major factor of global warming is trapped carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Normally the CO2 will be absorbed by plants and in turn they produce oxygen (O2) that we breathe. But now, there is too much emission of CO2 and the number of plants keeps on decreasing. So the world will become much hotter in decades to come. In addition, with the added heat, the polar ice cap will melt causing elevation of seawater. This will cause major flooding in many coastal cities around the world. Still, are we aware what are going on with the world today? With the population keeps on increasing (close to 10 billion people)

People around the world
we open new land for food, livestock and settlement. In turn more forest disappears without replacement. With the increase number of people, there will raise another problem. Garbage!

Garbage world
 We produce tons of garbage every day. If only we can attempt 3R, we can save the lots of land and forest. If only we can act……The reality is that, we assume that the world is our dustbin or landfill, we just throw everything away without realizing the consequences to the world. We have to teach our self to respect the nature and be good to the world as well to other human being. This is because we share the world. We do not own it. It is not for 1 greedy people to live in. It is for the rest to survive in. The world has done so much for us. Why don’t we do something for the world? The world will gladly repay our kindness with good weather and more. Remember the world can satisfy our needs……it cannot satisfy our greed.

Lets live together.

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